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Coaching is a useful way of developing people's skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems.

A coaching session will typically take place as a conversation between the coach and the coachee (person being coached), and it focuses on helping the coachee discover answers for themselves. After all, people are much more likely to engage with solutions that they have come up with themselves, rather than those that are forced upon them!

Coaching is:

  • Future-focused

  • Solution-focused

  • Works towards outcomes

  • Does not give advice

  • Asks the questions "How can we change?"

  • The client has the answers-assisted to find their own solutions

  • Backtracking-using client language and tone to recap important words or phrases

  • Confidential (Unless, it involves criminal activity or activities harmful to the individual, team, orgnaization, or affects the safety and welfare of others.)

Coaching is not:

  • Counseling or Therapy: 

    • Deal with personal problems

    • Begins with a problem

    • Is sought by people having difficulties

    • Coaches in the workplace are not counselors, psychotherapists, gurus, teachers, trainers, or consultants – although they may use some of the same skills and tools.

  • Training: 

    • Training is about teaching specific skills or knowledge

    • Usually takes place off-site or in dedicated classes

    • Typically carried out in groups

  • Mentoring: 

    • While mentoring and coaching have some similarities (typically one-to-one conversations aimed at facilitating professional development), there are also significant differences

    • Is someone who is available for advice and guidance when needed

Here are a few examples of questions that you can answer with the benefit of coaching:

  • How can I manage my time better to achieve all I want in life?

  • What should I do next in my career within the organization?

  • How can I reduce the stress in my job or my life?

  • How can I achieve a better balance between work life and home life?

  • What skills do I need to grow and develop further?

  • How can I improve my relationship with a specific colleague?

My mentor Christian Simpson said it best!!!

"The biggest risk to your success is not the state of the economy, the banks, the marketplace, the government, or your competition, the biggest risk to your entrepreneurial success is thinking like most business owners think."

"There’s a very good reason just 1% of business owners are millionaires. If you spend just a short amount of time in the company of highly successful entrepreneurs you’ll soon appreciate they have a very different world-view than the vast majority of business owners."

Here are just 3 simple examples of how the Top 1% think differently:

  • They understand their business growth can only reflect the quality of their thinking. So they deliberately invest time and money on improving and challenging how they think.

  • They focus on improvement not activity. They work at cause not the effect of their performance.

  • They develop the owner before the business. They understand their personal growth determines their success. Jim Rohn, one of the most successful entrepreneurs of his generation said ‘if you work hard on your job, you can make a living, but if you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune.

Are you prepared to change your thinking? Contact me today to get started. 

Additional information about what coach is or is not can be accessed at;


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