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The Power of Why

Far too many times, we as individuals forget our "why". Throughout my life I have always tried to find purpose and happiness in physical possessions, jobs, relationships, etc. I have bought possessions trying to fill a void. I have read self help books, trying to fill a void. I have relied on relationships to try and fill a void. Sadly, those things only brought about temporary satisfaction. They would fill that void for a moment and then my happiness would fade and I would find myself looking for other avenues to fill my void. Does this experience sound like you? Has this ever happend to you?

A few years ago, I took a long hard look at my life and asked "why" I did such things. Why could I not find contentment in my life was beyond me. I had a beautiful wife, a great family, a brand new home, vehicles, a great job with an amazing salary and benefits. Simply put, life was pretty amazing from an outsiders perspective. However, I felt empty inside, a shell of person. I could not find sustained happiness in my life. That is when I decided to take a look in the mirror. I started looking at what I wanted to do and what I wanted out of life. I started formulating how I was going to get there. However, it was not until I defined my "WHY" until I started to discover my happiness. I had to ask difficult questions like: Why do I wake up each day? Why do I do the job that I do? Why? Why? Why? Once I defined who I was and why I existed in the world, I was able to find a peace like none other. Finding ones "WHY" from my experience, opens up a whole new world of possibilities. As a person stops focusing on mundane, insignificant, void fillers, they can truly experience what God has instore for their lives. Finding one's "WHY" brings about mental clarity, that creates a human being that can truly change the world around them.

Over the last year I have been exposed to a video of Simon Sinek entitled "Start with WHY". As he points out "most people know the what, some know the how, and very few know the why." I watch this video quit often as a way to not lose sight of my purpose and to help refocus on the "WHY." It is my opinion, if we can discover our "WHY" then we can truly start to grow as an individual and start working towards the things that make us content and happy. Discovering one's "why" will change a person's attitudes and the efforts they give each day. Please take a few minutes to watch the video of Simon Sinek as he explains "WHY". While it is from a business perspective, it can easily be applied to your personal life.

Enjoy and Blessings.

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